If you need other forms of assistance, the best thing to do is come in and see us.
No appointment necessary.
All WERS services are free of charge.
Our Community Support Workers will talk to you about your situation and advise on the best course of action for you.
Accommodation Support Services
- Tenancy Plus aims to prevent homelessness and to support renters to stay in housing. Support providers can also connect people to a range of other support services in their local area.
- Tenancy Assistance and Advocacy Program (TAAP) services help Victorians who have a private residential agreement and are experiencing financial disadvantage or family violence (regardless of financial circumstances).
- Crisis and Emergency Accommodation help if you are homeless, are at risk of becoming homeless or at risk of family violence.
- Salvation Army Homelessness support services provide a range of homelessness services specific to adults and families, including accompanying children
- The Council for Single Mothers runs a closed Facebook group where single mothers can offer space and/or find shared housing.
- Housing Victoria may be able to provide assistance with a bond if you want to rent privately in Victoria.